MIA — Now Back with Review and Book Giveaway

I know I’ve been out of touch lately.  Summer has overwhelmed me.  However, it hasn’t stopped my reading.  I was offered Last Call by jd Seamus as part of my summer reading from Pump Up Your Book  Promotions.

With his ailing wife and disabled daughter nestled in Florida, Jimmie’s bar family is all he’s got.  They understand about the children’s charity balancing out the part-time smuggling job, that offshore accounts are necessary when medical bills aren’t covered by health insurance.  When Jimmie reveals his own terminal diagnosis, his friends vow to help him recover the millions he has in foreign bank accounts.  But somewhere between that promise and Jimmie’s death, things go terribly wrong.  The money is gone, their friend is dead, and it’s up to this close-knit cadre to track the cash.

I would categorize this book as a character-driven crime novel.  The author provides a colorful cast of characters reminiscent of your favorite mafia movie.  There’s Fat Sal, Sal the Bookie (you get the idea), cops who are on the “edge,”  lawyers using aliases, etc.  There were many characters which sometimes got confusing, but the main ones, Nathan, Jimmie, Terri, Ray, Lou were interesting characters who drove the story.  I really loved Jimmie.  While a little “crooked”  he was a great guy.  He is the guy I always wanted to know after watching all the mafia movies in my youth.  Not too good, but not too bad.  I did enjoy the sense of loyalty and camaraderie between the characters in this book.

The story really picks up after Jimmie’s money disappears.  The group of Jimmie’s friends that have appointed themselves to find his money is a motley crew.  Their planning meetings are amusing and their attempts at justice are even more fun.  There is definitely a comedic angle in this novel.

jd Seamus is an accomplished author.  He is currently working on his sixth novel.  The visit him, check out his website www.theseamus.biz


So, if this sounds like a novel you’d be interested in, I’m lucky enough to have another copy.  The author graciously sent me two copies.  To enter the giveaway, just comment and let me know who your favorite “crime” figure is.  For another entry, tweet about this giveaway or mention it on your blog.  You have until Labor Day when I pick the winner.

10 responses to “MIA — Now Back with Review and Book Giveaway

  1. great review. No need to enter me in the giveaway…i have far too many books, but I will post it in the sidebar!

  2. Pingback: Twitter Trackbacks for MIA — Now Back with Review and Book Giveaway « Book Escape [nbbaker1102.wordpress.com] on Topsy.com

  3. I would have to say my favorite crime figure is the Godfather Don Corleone. But that’s fictitious so real favorite crime figure would be Jack The Ripper. I enjoy speculative reading about him.

    espressogurl at hotmail dot com

  4. Sounds like a great book…count me in… favourite crime figure??? how about any of the ‘bad guys’ in lisa scottoline’s novels.

    karen k

  5. Please enter me to win this book. I don’t really have a favorite crime fiction character but my favorite crime book would have to be In Cold Blood.


  6. Favourite crime author so far is Patricia Cornwell and I love Scarpetta.

  7. Howdi 🙂 I loved your post, this sounds like a tense but super good read! Please enter me to win because I can give book a good home lol

    AND my favorite ‘crime’ figure so far is Vic Mackie in the Shield.

  8. I would like to read this book and my favorite crime figure is , well I guess I don’t have one. I’ve always been kind of fascinated by the crime families, the mafia figures but not by one in particular.

    I’m a follower!

  9. I’ve added the notice to my blog with a link back to yours.

  10. My favourite “crime figure” is John Gotti. I’ve read a couple books about him.
    wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

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