Reading Traffic Jam

My books are piling up (glad I have lots to read), but I’m starting to get a little overwhelmed.  Which doesn’t make sense since reading is suppossed to be my relaxing activity.  I don’t like to feel like it’s getting to be something different.  Different how, I’m not sure.  I feel like I’m not keeping up.  I’m not sure what I’m not keeping up with.

One of my favoirte all-around blogs, Fuzzy Cricket, recommended The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.  I ran out to the library and picked it up right after I read her review.  It’s a very, very long book.  I’m enjoying it.  It’s kind of a fantasy novel (although the library has it categorized as science fiction).  The writing is very good and the main character is intriguing.  I want to know more about him.  His story is unfolding slowly.  It’s not a fast read, but an enjoyable one.  I still have a ways to go.

Part of the problem is stress.  I’ve been very stressed with work, end-of-year activites, etc.  You know, regular living.  When I get like this, I turn to my old favorite escape, the Twilight series.  After checking out the trailer for New Moon on the internet, I jumped back into reading the novels.  Just reread New Moon and Eclipse.  Of course, that has slowed down my progress on The Name of the Wind.    Do you have a go to book that you pull out when you need to escape?

Then, I’ve been lucky enough to be contacted to join a couple of blog tours for June.  I’m up for two books that are right up my alley, so I’m happy I’ve had to chance to get them to review for you.  I just have to get to them in time.  But, I will persevere now that work is slowing down.  So, check back for:

The Accidental Bestseller by Wendy Wax  on June 19

Beyond the Code of Coduct by K. M. Daughters on June 26

I don’t want reading to become something that’s stressful.  So, I’m going to take a deep breath, sit down, read, and not worry too much about my pace.  It’s okay if I take some time with a good read.  Reading isn’t a race.  It’s an escape…..

4 responses to “Reading Traffic Jam

  1. I can relate to that panicked feeling of too many books. When I get a bunch of holds in from the library I look at the stack and wonder where to start. Which is indeed silly because reading is supposed to be my reward, my escape.

    Which is why I think I loved The Name of the Wind so much. It reminded me to savor. Hope it’s still an enjoyable read for you!

    I tend to reread the Twilight series when I need a reminder of how fun reading can be. When I need to be drawn into a book again.

    Thanks for the reminder that reading isn’t a race.

    Can’t wait to read your reviews on the blog tour!

  2. I think most book bloggers feel the same way you do. I know I get so stressed out sometimes and have to remind myself that I do it for the love of books!

  3. I, too, have been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately with the books I have to read. I love getting ARCs but then I realize I need to get them read in time! So, I’m trying to be more conscious about that and not take in as many. I want to enjoy my reading and not feel like I’m racing.

    I don’t necessarily have a book I go to but I do tend to go to more mysteries, especially my favorite series as I go back to visiting with characters I’ve gotten to know well over several books.

  4. I say read, relax, and enjoy. We all get overwhelmed from time to time. I think its natural, but remember reading is supposed to be fun!

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